The department was established in 1978 and began training students in the specialty "Automobile Transport, Tractors and Trucks" with two specializations "Organization and Safety of Traffic and Road Transport" and "Technical Maintenance of Cars". Later, when the specialty "Technology and Organization of Transport" was opened, the department trained students from the direction "Technology and Organization". In 1999, the specialty "Technology and Transport Management" was opened, and in 2003, the students of the first graduating class of the specialty graduated, who were trained according to the curriculum for the educational and qualification degree "Bachelor". They acquire the professional qualification "Transport Engineer". In the same year, the first candidates for training in the specialty "Technology and Transport Management" were accepted according to the curriculum and programs for the educational qualification "Master's degree", who acquired the professional qualification "Master-Engineer". During the academic year 2011/2012, a new specialty "Operation of the fleet and ports" was opened at the university, which is the responsibility of the Department of Transport. In 2013/2014, due to the interest shown by employers who work in the field of water transport, the specialization "Technologies and Logistics of Water Transport" was opened. The department also trains doctoral students in the scientific specialty "Management and Organization of Road transport".

     More than 2,500 are graduate engineers who received higher education in the "Transport" department of the Transport Faculty. About 250 engineers and specialists have improved their qualifications in long-term and short-term courses organized and led by the professors of the department in excellent cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Traffic Police Department, the National Traffic Safety Commission, the Ministry of Education and Science and other departments. Graduates of the "Transport" department work in Ethiopia, Jordan, Yemen, Laos, Nicaragua, Syria, Nepal, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey and Canada.

The heads of the department were: Assoc.Prof.  Zvezdo Kostov, PhD, Prof. Dimitar Simeonov, PhD, Ch. Assistant professor Zivko Gelkov, PhD, Professor Velizara Pencheva, PhD, Associate professor Mitko Marinov, PhD and Associate professor Asen Asenov, PhD (from 2015 to 2020).