Assoc. Prof.  Yuriy Dimitrov Kandilarov, PhD

Regular Education: Introduction to financial mathematics (Financial Mathematics), Business Mathematics (Marketing, Economics, Business Management, Public Administration, Industrial Management);

Correspondence Studies: Mathematics I (Technology and Transport Management), Business Mathematics (Industrial Management); 

Assoc. Professor  Emilia Angelova Velikova, PhD

Regular Education: Mathematics (Industrial Design), Mathematics I, II (PPSP, PPSPFL), Algebra and Geometry (Computer Science, Software Engineering);

Correspondence Studies: Algebra and geometry (Informatics and information technologies in business), Mathematics I, II (PNUP); 

Prof. Yulia Vancheva Chaparova, PhD

Regular Education: Higher Mathematics I (Industrial Engineering), Ordinary Differential Equations (Financial Mathematics), Calculus of Variations (Financial Mathematics), Partial Differential Equations (Financial Mathematics), Higher Mathematics II (Electronics, Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment); Mathematical Analysis 2 (Financial Mathematics), Mathematical Software (Computer Science); 

Professor, Miglena Nikolaeva Koleva, DSc

Full-time Education: Biomathematics (Plant breeding), Higher Mathematics ІІ (Transport technology and technologies):

Correspondence Studies: Higher Mathematics I (Mechanical Engineering, Agricultural Machinery and Technologies, Management and Service of Machinery, Air Conditioning, Hydraulics and Gasification), Higher Mathematics II (Transport Machinery and Technologies, Computer Systems and Technologies, Agricultural Machinery and Technologies, Management and Service) of technology, Air conditioning, hydraulics and gasification, Electronics, Electric power engineering and electrical furniture, Computer control and automation); 

Assoc. Prof. Ivanka Trifonova Angelova, PhD

Regular education: Higher Mathematics I (Computer Systems and Technologies, Internet and Mobile Communications), Higher Mathematics II (Computer Systems and Technologies, Mechanical Engineering);

Correspondence studies: Mathematical analysis (Informatics and information technologies in business);

Assoc. Professor Tihomir Bogomilov Gyulov, PhD

Regular education: Modeling in finance (Financial mathematics), Business mathematics (Industrial management), Higher mathematics I (Transportation technology and technologies), Practicum MF (Financial mathematics), Higher mathematics II (Transportation technology and technologies, Management and service of the technology, Air conditioning, hydraulics and gasification);

Correspondence studies: Business Mathematics (Marketing, Industrial Management); 

Ch. Assistant Anna Simeonova Lecheva, PhD

Regular education: Higher Mathematics I (Air Conditioning, Hydraulics and Gasification, Materials Science and Technologies, Internet and Mobile Communications, Information and Communication Technologies, Computer Systems and Technologies), Higher Mathematics II (Electronics, Electric Power Engineering and Electric Furniture, Computer Systems and Technologies, Agricultural Machinery) and Technology, Computer Control and Automation, Internet and Mobile Communications); Mathematical Analysis 2 (Software Engineering);

Correspondence studies: Higher Mathematics II (Internet and mobile communications, Computer systems and technologies, Electronics, Electric power engineering and electrical equipment, Computer control and automation);

Ch. assistant professor Ralitsa Krasimirova Vasileva-Ivanova, PhD

Regular education: Algebra and Geometry (Computer Science, Software Engineering), Mathematical Analysis 2 (Computer Science, Software Engineering);

Correspondence studies: Higher Mathematics I (Electronics, Electric power engineering and electric furniture, Computer management and automation); 

Chief Assistant Nikolay Dimitrov, PhD

Regular education: Higher Mathematics I (Agricultural Techniques and Technologies, Management and Service of Equipment), Business Mathematics (Business Management, Public Administration), Discrete Structures (Computer Science, Software Engineering), Mathematical Analysis 1 (Financial Mathematics), Ordinary Differential Equations (Financial Mathematics), Mathematical Analysis 2 (Financial Mathematics);

Correspondence studies: Discrete Structures (Informatics and Information Technologies in Business), Higher Mathematics II (Agricultural Techniques and Technologies, Mechanical Engineering, Air Conditioning, Hydraulics and Gasification).