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Обяви за проектни предложения
Проекти, финансирани от национални програми
Проекти, финансирани от международни програми
Проекти, финансирани от "Национален фонд научни изследвания"
Архив на проекти
Обяви за проектни предложени
Обяви за конференции
Дата на обявата
Краен срок за подаване на проектни предложения
Call for proposals for LIFE Action Grants 2014 - sub-programme Action Grants - LIFE+2014
18.6.2014 г.
16.10.2014 г.
Call for proposals for LIFE Action Grants 2014 - sub-programme Environment - LIFE+
18.6.2014 г.
16.10.2014 г.
Call for proposals - Three new EIBURS sponsorships under the EIB Knowledge Programme - EIBURS - 2014
18.6.2014 г.
30.9.2014 г.
Posting of workers: enhancing administrative cooperation and access to information - VP/2014/007
13.6.2014 г.
26.9.2014 г.
Entrepreneurship education (Pan-European entrepreneurial learning initiative) - COS-ENTEDU-2014-4-06
11.6.2014 г.
20.8.2014 г.
Call for proposals 2014 for framework partnership agreements and for specific grant agreements for operating grants - HP-FPA-2014
6.6.2014 г.
25.9.2014 г.
Call for proposals for the award of a financial contribution to specific actions in the form of project grants - HP-PJ-2014
6.6.2014 г.
25.9.2014 г.
Training of national judges in EU competition law and judicial cooperation between national judges - JUSTICE
27.5.2014 г.
29.8.2014 г.
Call for proposals under the 2014 work plan of the Bio-based Industries Public-Private Partnership - H2020-BBI-PPP-2014
9.7.2014 г.
15.10.2014 г.
Call for proposals for Innovative Medicines Initiative 2014 - H2020-JTI-IMI2-2014-01
9.7.2014 г.
12.11.2014 г.
Call for proposals and related activities under the 2014 work plan of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking - H2020-JTI-FCH-2014-1
10.7.2014 г.
6.11.2014 г.
Call for proposals for the establishment of the SESAR Deployment Framework Partnership under the Multi-Annual Work Programme 2014 for financial assistance in the field of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) — Transport sector for the period 2014-2020 - MOVE/
12.7.2014 г.
15.10.2014 г.
Call for proposal for European road safety actions aimed at tackling problems related to vulnerable road users, children, elderly and young drivers - MOVE/C4-2014/298
16.7.2014 г.
20.10.2014 г.
Calls for proposals under the multi-annual work programme for grants in the field of the trans-European transport infrastructure - Connecting Europe Facility
11.9.2014 г.
26.2.2015 г.
Call for proposals under the annual work programme for grants in the field of the trans-European transport infrastructure - Connecting Europe Facility
11.9.2014 г.
26.2.2015 г.
Call for proposal for support for social protection reforms - EaSI - VP/2014/006
31.7.2014 г.
31.10.2014 г.
Call for proposal - Projects on Maritime Spatial Planning - MARE/2014/22
29.8.2014 г.
14.11.2014 г.
Call for proposals - Projects to enhance the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime - Action grants 2014 - JUST/2014/JACC/AG/PROC
14.8.2014 г.
30.10.2014 г.
Call for proposals - Projects to support European judicial training - Action grants 2014 - JUST/2014/JTRA/AG/EJTR
12.8.2014 г.
17.11.2014 г.
Action grants to support projects to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance - JUST/2014/RRAC/AG
8.8.2014 г.
12.11.2014 г.
Call for proposals to identify and implement novel ways to highlight the work funded by the ERC and reach out a wider public - Coordination and Support Action - ERC-2014-SUPPORT-1
30.7.2014 г.
16.12.2014 г.
Call for proposals for European Research Council proof concept grant – 2015 - ERC-2015-PoC
30.7.2014 г.
1.10.2014 г.
Establishment of three-year framework partnership agreements with EU-level networks and operating grants for 2015 - JUST/2014/SPOB/OG/NETW
16.9.2014 г.
14.11.2014 г.
Call for proposals - Transnational projects on children's rights in judicial proceedings - Action grants 2014 - JUST/2014/JPPI/AG/CHIL
26.9.2014 г.
11.12.2014 г.
Call for proposals 2015 — EAC/A04/2014 Erasmus+ Programme
2.10.2014 г.
4.2.2015 г.
Action grants to promote and protect the rights of the child by supporting transnational projects aiming to build capacity for professionals in child protection systems and judicial professionals representing children in judicial proceedings - JUST/2014/R
1.10.2014 г.
15.1.2015 г.
Call for proposals - National or transnational e-Justice projects - Action grants 2014 - JUST/2014/JACC/AG/E-JU
7.10.2014 г.
7.1.2015 г.
Call for proposals - Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 3 - Support for Policy Reform - Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Education and Training and Youth - ERASMUS+ EACEA/10/14
28.10.2014 г.
17.12.2014 г.
Call for proposals - ‘Support for information measures relating to the common agricultural policy (CAP)’ for 2015 - CAP 2015
29.10.2014 г.
5.1.2015 г.
Strengthening regional cooperation in the area of fisheries data collection - MARE/2014/19
29.10.2014 г.
15.1.2015 г.
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