“Програма за Трансгранично Сътрудничество Румъния-България 2007-2013”, съфинансирана от Европейския фонд за регионално развитие на Европейския Съюз.
С този проект се цели създаването и развитието на Румъно-Български обслужващ център за микросистеми и нанотехнологии, основан на сътрудничеството на университети, изследователски институти и малки и средни предприятия в трансграничната област Румъния-България.
Joint development of R&D facilities for microsystems in the cross-border RO-BG area.Building the portfolio of services to be offered by the Service Centre in designing, manufacturing, testing and using of microsystems. Elaborating Joint Programme of Activities for the co-operation between universities and research institutes.Stimulating the joint participation of the research entities and SMEs from crossborder RO-BG area to national and international research projects on microsystems, in the aim to develop the service portfolio of the Service Centre.Increasing the visibility of the activities on microsystems in the cross-border RO-BG area by disseminating information about services and R&D results of the Service Centre.Creating a mechanism for rapid transfer of know-how and experience to SMEs by information exchange, training by-research.
Creating and developing a Romanian – Bulgarian Services Centre for Microsystems and Nanotechnologies, based on the cooperation of universities, research institutes and SMEs in the cross-border RO-BG area.