Welcome to the website of the Department of Health Care

The Department of Health Care trains students in MIDWIFE and NURSE specialties

Accreditation from 2019 with a rating of 8.21 over 5 years for the specialty Midwife - Bachelor

Accreditation from 2019 with a rating of 8.27 in 5 years for the specialty of Nursing - Bachelor

Accreditation from 2020 for the specialty Healthcare Management - Master

Students of Nursing and Midwife majors participate in:

• SRF projects at Ruse University.

• Annual Student Scientific Sessions at the University of Rousse and in the country.

• Joint initiatives of Ruse University and the Bulgarian Hypertension League, National Alliance of People with Rare Diseases, BAPZG, etc.

• European Anti-Obesity Day - "Healthy and Tasty" initiative of the "Health Matters" social campaign.

• Day of the specialty at the initiative of the University of Ruse

• Joint training seminars at the University of Ruse with the participation of practicing nurses and midwives from UGHAT "Kanev", UGHAT "Medika", SBALPFZ "Dr. D. Gramatikov"; COC- Ruse; LS- Ruse;

• Graduates may apply to study in a Master's program in Health Care Management.