The library at the University  of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" is one of the largest scientific libraries in North-Eastern Bulgaria. It functions as a centre for scientific and informational resources, which supports the educational process and scientific research activity. It has a high degree of automation. It offers modern library services. It provides meta-information for the academic community and specialists in the region. The oldest collection was formed in 1946.

It has a library collection of 440,369 volumes, of which:

  • books - 353 987
  • periodicals - 49 093
  • current subscription - 179 titles on paper/electronic media

On-line access to scientific information resources provided through:

  • 5 information-search systems in Bulgarian and foreign languages, providing access to full-text databases with over 15,000 titles of scientific and specialized periodicals;
  • 10 reference information-search systems in Bulgarian and foreign languages, providing access to over 30 million documents;
  • 4 information-search systems (open access), of which about 30% are full-text;
  •  Textbooks and teaching aids on CD, DVD and on-line;
  • Access to electronic versions of periodicals