Educational Qualification Degree "Industrial Design"

I semester

History of Art and Design; Shaping I; Drawing I; Mathematics; Phisics I; Informational Basics of the Design

Еlective disciplines (one can be chosen)  - 1 semester

English I; German I; French I; Russian I

Total Compulsory Commitments for 1 semester

Physical Education and Sport                                                                      

II semester

Color Science; Shaping II; Drawing II; Creative Methods I; Material Science I; Engineer Graphics

Elective disciplines (one can be chosen) - 2 semester

English II; German II; French II; Russian II

Total Compulsory Commitments for 1 semester

Physical Education and Sport

Practices out of the semester – Specialized Internship І (2 weeks)

III semester

Composition Theory I; Shaping III; Drawing III; Material Science II; Applied Mechanics

Elective disciplines (one can be chosen) - 3 semester

English III; German III; French III; Russian III

Total Compulsory Commitments for 3 semester

Physical Education and Sport

Optional subjects for 3 semester

Art Photography І

IV semester

Composition Theory II; Modeling and prototyping I; Graphic Design I; Systems and Mechanisms of Design; Methodological Foundations of Construction

Elective subjects (choose one) - 4 semester

English IV; German IV; French IV; Russian IV

Total Compulsory Commitments for 4 semester

Physical Education and Sport

Internships outside the semester - Specialization internship I (2 weeks)

Optional subjects for the 4th semester

Artistic Photography II

V semester

Theory of perception; Modeling and prototyping II; Graphic Design II; Ergodesign I; Lighting Technique; Technical Design

Total Mandatory Commitments for 5 semesters

Physical Education and Sport

Optional subjects for the 5th semester

English V; Science; Civilization History

VI semester

Artistic spatial layout; E-design I; Graphic Design III; Ergodesign II; Production Technologies

Total compulsory commitments for 6 semesters

Physical education and sport

Internships outside the semester - Specialization internship I (2 weeks)

Optional subjects for the 6th semester

English Language VI; History of Technique and Technology; History of Civilization

VII semester

Style and symbolism; E-design II; Advertising; Aesthetics; Design Methodology; Intellectual Property

Total compulsory commitments for 7 semesters

Physical Education and Sport

Optional subjects for the 7th semester

English Language VII; E-Business

VIII semester

Methods of Creativity II; E-design III; Design Management; Marketing; Audiovisual Techniques and Technologies; Self-preparation for graduation

Total compulsory commitments for 8 semesters

Physical education and sport

Graduation  Thesis

Optional subjects for the 8th semester

Logistics and Design