Основна цел на проекта е да се увеличи общественото признание за учените, като се предложи на широката публика, без оглед на възраст и образование, възможността да открие „скритото лице" на науката чрез обсъждане в директен контакт с учени на влиянието на научните изследвания върху ежедневния живот.
The K-TRIO 2 consortium organized in several years Researchers’ Night in Bulgaria in different citiesmaking people and especially children and youth aware of researchers’ profession and the contribution of research to economy and society. The public opinion surveys show that the Researchers’ Night became a popular event in many Bulgarian cities. People enjoy the variety of activities offered and would like to make the Researchers’ Night a regular “Fall rendez-vous” in their city with a lot of fun and interaction with researchers.