The project aims, by means of a system of scholarships, to stimulate studies in certain areas of higher education, identified as having priority for the state, and to extend the scope of the educational service through additional resource that will make education more accessible.Granting scholarships for academic scores will stimulate education only in priority economic areas as well as in priority spheres and policies of the European Social Fund (specialities, where
there is shortage of staff and prospective students).
Granting scholarships for special achievements in science, engineering activities, pedagogical sciences, innovations and enterpreneurship, arts, culture and sports will stimulate students to develop their practical and creative potentials beyond the obligatory required activities in the curricula for their studies.The present Project is the first phase within Operational programme "Science and Education for Intelligent Growth" and upgrades the successful practice of the direct grant procedures BG051PO001-4.2.02 „Students scholarships for equal access to education and rising motivation
for better results" 2008-2010, BG051PO001-4.2.04 „Students scholarships and awards" 2010-2012 and BG051PO001-4.2.06 „Students scholarships" 2012-2015, implemented under "Human resources development" Operational programme 2007-2013. The current project does not duplicate but supplements and improves the existing mechanisms under national legislation for granting scholarships, awards and aids to students in state higher
education institutions with state financial resources (Higher Education Act, Government Decree
90/2000). Students will be eligible for scholarships under the present project irrespective of whether they are granted scholarships from the state budget.